Roundhouse in Lithuanian newspaper!
In 2014 ID Agro has built a Roundhouse in Lithuania, a first for this country. Now a journalist has visited this unique building to see how they are doing and if perhaps they want to build a second one....
According to Gintauto Migonis - founder of the cooperation "Baltos Avies" and initiator of this project - the idea to build a Roundhouse came from the desire to produce beef of the highest quality of the whole of Lithuania. "We are professional farmers aiming at a quality guarantee of our products. It is very important to us that our childeren and we can enjoy the highest quality of meat." For this reason we have started 'Baltos Avies' together with some other farmers, we want to keep animals by means of worldwide acknowledged technology in order to produce meat of the best quality and taste", says Mr Migonis.
The cattle in the Roundhouse was specially selected in Germany. By now, almost 100 Angus cows are kept in the Roundhouse. According to Migonis, he can already see the benefits of the Roundhouse building. "This year we are starting to see the results. Perhaps, in a couple of years we will be having a second Roundhouse in Lithuania. *
Het vee in het Roundhouse werd speciaal geselecteerd in Duitsland. Inmiddels loopt er bijna 100 stuks Angus vee in het Roundhouse. Volgens Migonis begint het Roundhouse al zijn vruchten af te werpen. "Dit jaar beginnen we de resultaten te zien." Wellicht dat er over een paar jaar een tweede Roundhouse in Litouwen staat.*
*Source: http://ukininkopatarejas.lt/isskirtines-kokybes-produktui-isskirtines-gamybos-salygos/